Featured, News / 21.07.2020

We titled our special this week our “Slow Food Sale”. Now, what exactly does that mean? Noun Food that is produced or prepared in accordance with local culinary traditions, typically using high-quality locally sourced ingredients. In addition to being a classification, there is also an organization of the same name! “Slow Food”, promotes local food and traditional cooking… With the motto, “Good, clean, and fair”, Slow Food is promoted as an alternative to “Fast Food”. It strives to preserve traditional and regional cuisine, and encourages farming of plants, seeds, and livestock...

Featured / 11.06.2020

Let’s face it. This has been a weird year so far. With all of the uncertainty in the world, things can look dark. But, as the adage goes- “It is always darkest, just before dawn.”  People may feel disconnected from their friends, coworkers, and extended family; but the nuclear family seems to be an exception. I cannot tell you how many people I have heard say something to the effect of “I can’t remember the last time my family all sat down and ate at the dinner table before...

Recipes / 27.03.2018

Here comes clever horse name number one, followed by second horse with an even more clever name, followed by a thirsty you who, after hours of mingling and cheering have a hoarse throat, (pun intended) that desires a mood fitting beverage that will quickly quench your thirst. The Kentucky Derby, where fancy hat wearing goers and racing fans fill the scene is known for having commemorative items and beverages that bring nostalgic memories to some and build new ones for first timers; And what better way to refresh...