Featured, Tips / 27.09.2017

  It’s football season and your Saturday tailgate plan is just as important as winning the big game.  Today’s tailgate is not a sandwich in a brown bag.  Modern tailgating involves a lot of planning and creativity.  Here are 10 tips that will enhance your tailgate experience. For Quick and easy country ham sliders simply take our Broadbent Sliced Cooked Country Ham that requires no warming and place it on the bread of your choice or grill Broadbent Country Ham Breakfast or Dinner Steaks.    Turn a cooler into...

Featured / 20.09.2017

As a company that deals in animal products, we often receive questions from customers wanting to understand how we treat and raise our livestock. Here at Broadbent's, we do not slaughter the animals. Instead, we purchase our meat from multiple suppliers. As a business, we pride ourselves on purchasing from companies that raise their livestock with respect, kindness and quality living conditions. Farmland Foods Farmland Foods provides us Hams, Bellies, and Sausage Trimmings. They have been in business since 1959, producing high-quality pork. Their facilities have Animal Care Programs in...

Recipes, Tips / 20.09.2017

There are a variety of factors that make Broadbent’s ham unique but none more precious or secret than our curing strategy. Our curing is a dry, salt-based process which takes place over many months. Curing is a simple process steeped in tradition: however, there is more than one way to cure a ham. Below we provide a brief overview of dry curing versus wet curing along with the benefits of our chosen methodology. Dry Cured Meats Dry curing has been a part of the human tradition for centuries. The need...

Tips / 13.09.2017

Broadbent’s bacon is worlds apart from the average super market bacon based on the 100-year strong dry curing process that it is a family tradition alone. Every slab is hand rubbed with our dry cure ingredients, then slow smoked for an unforgettable flavor that has been loved for generations.  During the smoking is where subtle distinction come in which create our 4 different bacon flavors. Let’s take just a few minutes to compare each flavor of bacon with recommendations on using it best in complimentary dish ideas. Hickory Smoked...

Tips / 06.09.2017

Ham is a touchdown when it comes to pleasing a crowd! Football season is just days away. We can already hear the fans putting on their face paint and jerseys. If you’re looking to become the tailgating champ this season make Broadbent Ham the star of your gathering. Buying our fully-cooked ham will take a lot of work off your plate. Ham is also a meat that is easily shared among a large crowd. Plan ahead for a little extra since you never know when you may make...

Tips / 30.08.2017

Prosciutto has become an increasingly popular style of meat.  Often, we have customers ask if the country ham can be thinly sliced and used a prosciutto. While country ham is similar to a prosciutto there are a few key differences which provide a different flavor. Let’s discuss the elements that provide each ham their own unique flavor. Country Ham Broadbent’s most popular ham is our traditional country ham. These hams are salt cured for 9 months. The country ham takes on a firm texture and deep red color. It will...

Featured, Tips / 25.08.2017

Broadbent B & B Foods is a Kentucky producer of Country Ham, Bacon, and Sausage.  The company was founded by Smith Broadbent of Cadiz, Kentucky.  They began selling their products on their family farm in 1909.  In 1999 my husband, Ronny and I bought the company from Smith Broadbent, III.  To say the least the last 18 years have been a true blessing.  Although it’s not been all smooth sailing as any business owner will tell you, we were blessed to buy a company with delicious products made...

Featured, News / 23.08.2017

We are proud to share that Broadbent's traditional cured ham brought home our 18th Grand Champion prize this past week at the 2017 Kentucky State Fair. We are honored to continue the 100 plus year tradition of curing hams.  Broadbent also won in classes 1,2,3 and 4 during the show, with one of those going on to become the Grand Champ. Our hams begin the curing process over 9 months in advanced. When the time comes Ronny Drennan, owner of Broadbent B & B Foods chooses the best of...

Recipes, Tips / 11.07.2017

In celebration of #NationalPecanPieDay, we wanted to share some delicious recipes using Pecans in addition to the classic pie. Below are 4 of our favorite recipes which incorporate pecans. Don’t be afraid to buy too many, as pecans have a long shelf life. In-shell pecans can last up to 6-12 months in a cool, dry place. Shelled pecans can be stored sealed in airtight containers in the refrigerator for up to 9 months or frozen for up to 2 years....

Tips / 04.07.2017

These tips are a few of our own, and several of well-known experts’. We aimed to cover cooking those items that everyone cooks or wishes they could better. Cooking is a skill that isn’t always passed down, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn those great things our Grandma’s new....