10 Jul Old World Words
While working on the upcoming fall catalog, I noticed how many times we used the word “Delicious”. I needed a few synonyms to replace it, and yet still describe Broadbent foods as- well, delicious. So, I pulled out my copy of “The New American Roget’s College Thesaurus”, (the actual book), which I bought in the 1970’s. I can’t tell you the date it was published, because the cover and front couple of pages are missing.
Here’s what I found:
“Delicious- Adj.- delectable, luscious, toothsome, palatable, savory. See TASTE.”
I was familiar with all of these words, except toothsome (which doesn’t sound particularly delicious). So I looked to see how today’s online thesaurus compares to my 1970’s book.
Here’s the comparison:
Adj.-. pleasing, especially to the taste
Synonyms for delicious
- appetizing
- delectable
- delightful
- distinctive
- enjoyable
- enticing
- exquisite
- heavenly
- luscious
- piquant
- pleasant
- rich
- savory
- spicy
- sweet
- tasty
- tempting
- yummy
- choice
- dainty
- darling
- divine
- good
- lush
- nice
- adorable
- ambrosial
- delish
- fit for king
- gratifying
- mellow
- mouthwatering
- nectarous
- palatable
- rare
- sapid
- scrumptious
- tasteful
- titillating
- toothsome
- well-prepared
- well-seasoned
There are many, more descriptive words are now available. There are some I didn’t know the meaning to like sapid, meaning “having flavor, or flavorful.” and piquant, meaning “stimulating to the taste, especially spicy.” But the word, Toothsome, still shows up, some 40 years later!
This was definitely a new and intriguing word (that definitely did not sound particularly appetizing). After a bit more research, I learned the use of the word dates back to 1551! Couldn’t you imagine our forefathers saying, “May I have another piece of that toothsome country ham?” Or “That Broadbent’s Bacon and Sausage, with which we broke fast this morning was simply toothsome!” I have a suspicion they didn’t use the word “yummy” back then. So what exactly, does Toothsome mean?
Here’s the definition (actually it has two definitions):
Definition of toothsome
1: agreeable, attractive: a toothsome blonde
2: of palatable flavor and pleasing texture : DELICIOUS crisp toothsome fried chicken
One thing is for sure, dry curing meat and the word toothsome very likely went hand in hand in the Old World, being brought to America by our first settlers.
If you want some Old World Flavor, try Broadbent’s Toothsome Country Ham, Sapid Dry Cured Bacon, and Piquant Smoked Breakfast Sausage. I think you will find them Deliciously Yummy.