Broadbent Country Ham Sells for a record Ten Million Dollars at charity auction....
Broadbent Country Ham Sells for a record Ten Million Dollars at charity auction....
Recently, we decided to play with the idea of having custom merchandise printed to sell here at the Kuttawa market. Over the course of the discussion, we thought it could be fun to try and come up with some taglines. Nothing overly complicated, just one-liners and quips that would be in line with what we do here at Broadbent’s. They say that necessity is the mother of invention- To that effect, I say that Pintrest is the fun, crafty aunt. A large portion of our inspiration, design-wise, came from Pintrest. Here are...
We titled our special this week our “Slow Food Sale”. Now, what exactly does that mean? Noun Food that is produced or prepared in accordance with local culinary traditions, typically using high-quality locally sourced ingredients. In addition to being a classification, there is also an organization of the same name! “Slow Food”, promotes local food and traditional cooking… With the motto, “Good, clean, and fair”, Slow Food is promoted as an alternative to “Fast Food”. It strives to preserve traditional and regional cuisine, and encourages farming of plants, seeds, and livestock...
A lot goes into what we do here at Broadbent’s, and for that reason, we take great pride in what we do. So, when one of our customers, a company known as “Mantry”, recently wrote about the different bacons they have used and included us in a blog that was titled “The Best Mail-Order Bacon”, we were floored. Below is a snippet from their write-up that we felt described Broadbent’s Country Bacon perfectly. “A still sunrise, a mug of strong coffee, and the aroma of bacon crisping in cast...
Planning your perfect Spring Soiree? Don't strain your brain, Broadbent's has tips and tricks to help make your event, one to remember. #1 Be selective about your Food Always be sure to have enough food! A “good” southern host would never let a guest leave hungry. Don’t hesitate to ask for R.S.V.P, but surprises do happen, so always account that with a little more food than you think you’ll need. Here are some easy tips to avoid culinary mistakes and hassles: Define your meal by party time (Breakfast, brunch, lunch...
Many of you have been disappointed that we no longer have beaten biscuits available, especially here around Derby time. For as long as we can remember, Jackson Biscuit has supplied Broadbent’s with their beaten biscuits. Unfortunately, last year they were forced to close their doors. The owners’ declining health no longer allowed them to make their delicious products. In a way, it’s a bit like curing country hams; it’s a dying culinary art form. We sure do miss those sweet folks, and their famous beaten biscuits. If you aren’t...
It’s all about the aging process here at Broadbent’s. We age our Country Ham 6 to 18 months. It’s been twenty years since Ronny and I purchased Broadbent’s. The sale was final on April 1, 1999. So while our hams have been aging, we’ve aged as well. That’s right; it’s been 20 years since we began our lives as Broadbent’s Mom & Pop Business owners. With two children of our own at the time, we certainly fit the bill! At the time of purchase, we knew the old-fashioned Country...
Here, in beautiful western Kentucky, we are now firmly in the middle of what we are hoping is Winter's last hoorah (Y'all say a prayer for us). The snow and ice that we saw this weekend aren't uncommon for our area this time of year, so we have learned to prepare. Just like a squirrel with his acorns, we stash away goodies to tide us over until the thaw. Whether your mornings are crisp, or dreary, there is no better way to start a cold day than with...
We are proud to share that Broadbent's traditional cured ham brought home our 18th Grand Champion prize this past week at the 2017 Kentucky State Fair. We are honored to continue the 100 plus year tradition of curing hams. Broadbent also won in classes 1,2,3 and 4 during the show, with one of those going on to become the Grand Champ. Our hams begin the curing process over 9 months in advanced. When the time comes Ronny Drennan, owner of Broadbent B & B Foods chooses the best of...