30 Nov 5 Tips for a Great Holiday Office Party
The holiday season is right around the corner. While there are, several holidays being celebrated, most companies opt for one end-of-the-year party. This is a great time to reflect on the year’s accomplishments and thank those around you for their efforts all year. Organizing a party can be a large task but keep these 5 tips in mind while planning your corporate event, to ease the task.
#1 Be well organized! If you’re having a pot luck, then have a sign-up sheet ahead of time. If the company is throwing the party itself, let everyone know if it will be a full meal, or hors’ devours. Keep what your serving in mind when it comes to time, don’t serve only hors’ devours at a meal time. If your skipping the meal allow adequate time for employees to leave work and have their meal before the party would begin. Also, be sure to let individuals know whether it is an employee only event, or if significant others or families are invited.
#2 Go buffet style. There are more costs associated with a sit-down dinner that can easily be eliminated by a buffet. It also allows individuals to make their own food choices, which can reduce waste.
#3 Skip the symbolic carving. This can cause issues in the moment, though it may seem like a nice idea. It can also add time and frustration for those who are hungry, especially if you invite children. Choose your meat ahead of time and have it pre-carved. This will help keep serving sizes consistent. At Broadbent, we offer hams in a variety of sizes. We sell ham in slices, which look lovely plated. If you want the traditional whole ham, we offer our uncooked hams to be pre-sliced, all you’ll have to do is bake it. Even if you are having a pot-luck, it is a nice gesture for the company to purchase the meat as their contribution to the meal.
#4 Choose the right venue. Choose a location familiar with office parties, that offers a nice setting with simple décor. If the place looks pleasant already, you can add minimal decorations to give it a festive feel. You’ll also want to choose something size appropriate, large empty spaces can result in awkwardness. If your party needs to be at the company itself, choose the best space for it. Offer decorations to take it to the next level, eliminating the feel of just another “work event”.
#5 Thank Your Employees. A party is a perfect place to show your appreciation to your employees. If you give out awards, do it during the party to make them extra special. If awards are not the company standard, simply offer a nice speech thanking everyone for their hard work all year. Take a moment to thank a few individuals who have gone above and beyond, it will make everyone feel appreciated. If you give a gift to employees this would also be a good time to hand those out. At Broadbent, we offer gift baskets that make wonderful corporate gifts, check them out here.
Corporate parties can be large affairs, or you can keep it on the simpler side. The main goal of the party should be a celebration of a good year, and to make employees feel appreciated. Don’t throw an obligatory party that individuals won’t want to attend. With just a few extra steps, you can make the event memorable.